Day: 15 June 2013

  • #flood #hochwasser — Social Media and Disaster Mapping

    The current flood in Germany is the prominent proof: Social Media, Web 2.0 and Crowdsourcing play a more and more important role in organizing volunteers in humanitarian help. Crowdsouring has shown to be useful for collecting relevant geographical information in natural disasters. This is the very “on spot” topic of our current seminar on VGI…

  • Challenging the difficulties of automated georeferencing in Historic GIS

    Here you find an article about Quality control at Orbis Latinus Online (OLO), which provides coordinates to Latin places in the standard reference Orbis Latinus. The system developed in the RIgeo.Net project combines several databases, like OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, the in-house tool GeoTWAIN and especially the Getty Thesaurus of Geographical Names, which allow multilingual search…

  • Historic ship routes in GIS

    In our work with historians at Heidelberg University the historic routes of ships are becoming more and more important. The new project on the Lloyds’s List in the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in Context” is dealing with such issues and first work is carried out with the partners in our project. Here…