Day: 27 February 2014

  • Young Mappers: Practical OSM Intro for Children at “KinderUni” Heidelberg

    OpenStreetmap for young pupils We organize a practical workshop for children between the age of 9 and 12 years within the “kids university” at Heidelberg University. The workshop will be on Saturaday 15.03.2014 at the department of Geography and the title is “Navigieren mit der offenen Weltkarte – OpenStreetMap“. It provides an introduction to Crowdsoucing…

  • GIS-Based Roughness Derivation for Flood Simulations

    Natural disasters like floods are a worldwide phenomenon and a serious threat to mankind. Flood simulations are applications of disaster control, which are used for the development of appropriate flood protection. Adequate simulations require not only the geometry but also the roughness of the Earth’s surface, as well as the roughness of the objects hereon.…