GiN Award for René Westerholt

Our group member René Westerholt has recently won the “GiN Nachwuchsförderpreis” (a German young researchers award) for his master thesis. He graduated in the end of 2012 at the University of Osnabrück. The thesis deals with push-based data transmission in the course of web-based geoprocessing. The encountered approach is based on a technique called Web Sockets and enables the OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) notifying users about available results in case of long-running processes.
A corresponding article about the corresponding results has been accepted for publication at Transactions in GIS and will be published soon. The award has been donated by the North-German Society for Geoinformatics (GiN e.V.), and was handed over at the evening event of the Geoinformatik conference in Hamburg.
Congratulations René!


