Knowledge Based Urbanism – Science Places in the City – proposal nominated as “IBA Kandidat”

The future city of knowledge is the main topic of the “Internationale Bauausstellung Heidelberg” (IBA)., an international 10 years project. This week a selection of the project proposals answering the first call of proposal were invited to defend their ideas publicly to the IBA board of trustees at the “Alte Feuerwache”. Our proposal about raising awareness and improving communication about Science Places in the City through a smart integration of advanced ITC tecnologies with the build environment was selected as one of these candidates. The main idea is to better be able to explain how sciences and knowledge with their respective acteurs – do shape and construct the city – both the built environment and the social interaction and processes – in history and today.

Further we are partner in another proposal by the Citizen Science Society HD that made it through the selection process and is now “IBA_Kandidat”: it is a Citizen Science project in the eHumanities domain: The proposal aims at capturing the history of buildings and places, and thus of a city, through citizen scientists who generate a valuable source for historic research made available on the Web.

The loal newspaper reports about this here.

Dear students: we offer thesis on related topics. Contact: A. Zipf.
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