Disaster Mapping Party Heidelberg – contribute to Missing Maps project

Dear friends of Disaster Mapping,

to a great start in the DisasterMappers Colloquium on the last Wednesday of each now has the first chance to become active. Together with MSF, British and American Red Cross and HOT OSM we want to celebrate the start of the Missing Maps Project also in Heidelberg. As DisasterMappers, we will do so with a mapping party. (as done earlier…)

For this purpose, we will meet this Friday, November 7, 2014 at 19:00 clock st in the auditorium of the Berlin street 48th (Dep. of Geography, Heidelberg University, Germany)
After a brief introduction to the Missing Maps Project live from London we are together with the other volunteers in London, Washington DC, and San Francisco Jakarta to fill in the gaps on the OSM world map.

For more detailed information: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Missing_Maps_Project

We are looking forward to you joining the DisasterMappers Heidelberg


PS: Bring your own laptop if available:-)

Disaster mappers Heidelberg


