A Special Issue on “Geospatial Data” at DATA Journal

Dear Colleagues,

Geographic data are produced or collected by scientists in different ways to study environmental problems. Although online geographic data are accessible across the globe, there is a lack of a unique platform than enables scientists to share geographic data produced locally. Such a lack of scientific data communication has limited scholars to share datasets in a professional and credible way. A large portion of innovative and novel ideas could not come to action due to unavailability of data or the scientific findings could have never been retested and verified, as the data have been always kept as a “black box”.

Thanks to the recent efforts on supporting reproducible research and credible scientific data, scholars may publish their data in the scientific media and give credit to their data collection and data processing efforts. There are two groups of geographic data that are encouraged to be shared with other scholars: 1) geographical data, which are newly generated from scratch, and 2) geographical data produced as outcome of data processing. Nowadays, scientific communities attempt to make the scientific data transparent, so that the behind-the-scenes of data is also shared and published.

We would like to invite you to submit articles addressing the process of geographic data collection, acquisition, processing, and management, so that these data will be (re)used by other scholars and add value to the preliminary published results from them. Potential datasets include, but are not limited to, data and methods on:

  • Earth observation systems (e.g., remote sensing, geo-sensor networks)
  • Citizen observatories
  • Public health
  • Biodiversity, farming, forestry, environment, and ecology
  • Climate change
  • Geological measurements
  • Social networks and social media (e.g., Twitter, Flickr, Instagram)
  • Open source data and open government data
  • Archaeology, culture, tourism
  • Point cloud data (e.g., LiDAR)
  • Natural hazards and disasters
  • Movement data (e.g., GPS)
  • Mobile phone data
  • Indoor and outdoor environments
  • Unmanned aerial vehicle and drones

Guest editors:

Dr. Jamal Jokar Arsanjani
Dr. Marco Helbich
Dr. Amin Tayyebi
Dr. Amit Birenboim

Further information can be found at http://www.mdpi.com/journal/data/special_issues/geospatial_data

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 September 2016



