Semester Start Missing Maps mapathon for World Malaria Day 2017

Every year, 400 000 people – especially children- die of Malaria, an actually curable disease. The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) is working with governments worldwide to prevent, heal and control malaria (

Many regions of our world are not covered on a map. Maps are however an important tool for planning vaccination campaigns and for ensuring medical supplies. Places that are not covered in a map are in many cases nonexistent for authorities and other organizations. We want to change this situation – with your help – and map the vulnerable places of the world in OpenStreetMap to support the work of the humanitarian aid organizations.

Therefore, disastermappers heidelberg and HeiGIT/GIScience Research Group invite you to a Semester Start Missing Maps Mapathon!

When? 27.04.2017, 6 pm

Where? Geographisches Institut, Berliner Straße 48

April 25th being the official World Malaria Day, in the Mapathon we will specifically focus on a task of the Malaria Elimination Campaign of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team that is located in Zimbabwe. The information we are collecting during our event will be used directly on the ground to take measures to fight the spreading of malaria.

A member of the Clinton Health Access Initiative’s malaria program, Katelyn Woolheater, will be connected to us via Skype to provide information about the HOT Malaria project and the use of the OpenStreetMap data on the ground.

We will moreover give an introduction into OpenStreetMap mapping, therefore there is no previous knowledge necessary. Just bring your own laptop and mouse if available.

Snacks and drinks will for sure be provided!

We are looking forward to seeing you!


