Missing Maps Data Collection and Validation Mapathon to help eliminate Malaria

Malaria is a major threat to people all around the world, particularly those most vulnerable: children and elderly. Our previous events Semester Start Missing Maps mapathon for World Malaria Day 2017 and Missing Maps Mapathon at Makerspace (DAI) aimed to support projects to identify potential malaria affected areas and enable better Malaria prevention in collaboration with Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team and Missing Maps.

How? Means to combat Malaria are provided by creating openly available map data. We do our part by providing and assessing basic map data to support the current Malaria initiatives and our common goal, to support those in need.

Therefore, disastermappers heidelberg and HeiGIT/GIScience Research Group invite you to a Missing Maps Mapathon!

In contrast to previous events, this time you will not only learn about OSM and how to contribute, but also get familiar with OSM data validation.

Why? The value of OSM data increases when it is reviewed and lessons learned are ultimately applied. Accurate maps can then help to decrease uncertainties and enable confident use of the data by the field teams that need data to fight the spread of malaria.

When? Wednesday 05.07.2017, 6 pm

Where? Großer Hörsaal, Geographisches Institut, Berliner Straße 48

We will provide an introduction to OpenStreetMap mapping. Additionally, an introduction into validation of OpenStreetMap data in the Tasking Manager is offered via Skype by one of the main validators of HOT/ Missing Maps London.

Therefore, no previous knowledge is necessary. Just bring your own laptop and mouse if available.

Snacks and drinks will for sure be provided! To round up the Mapathon we will moreover fire up the BBQ for you! Therefore make sure to bring your ribs or veggies along 🙂


