Earthquake Response- Mapathon, Friday, 22/9/17 2pm

Tuesday night central Mexico was struck by an earthquake with the magnitude of appr. 7.1, causing the collapse of several buildings in Mexico City and serious harm for the local population.

This event is the latest of a number of disasters in the recent weeks, including hurricanes and floods. Just twelve days before, the southern mexican state Chiapas got hit by an earthquake, too.
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team activated for all these disasters with great support of the worldwide mapping community that provided crucial base map material for the affected regions.
Disastermappers heidelberg/GIScience support these efforts with a special mapathon for Mexico City tomorrow afternoon.

When? Friday, 22/9/2017, 2- 5pm

Where? INF348, R014A

We welcome everyone to join, no previous experience needed. Please just make sure to bring a laptop and mouse.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

If you want to support the work remotely, please look for the priority tasks in the Tasking Manager!


