Reminder Deadline 30.03.2018: 2nd CFP – VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE, Lund.

VGI-ALIVE – AnaLysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement

Tuesday 12th June 2018, Lund, Sweden, Workshop at AGILE 2018

Introduction to the VGI-ALIVE Workshop

The steady rise of data volume shared on already established and new Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms calls for advanced analysis methods of user contribution patterns, leads to continued challenges in data fusion, and provides also new opportunities for rapid data analysis for event detection and VGI data quality assessment. Questions regarding the future of VGI and social media platforms include the prospect of continued user growth, engagement of new user groups, further expansion of VGI to educational activities, or closing data gaps in geographically underrepresented areas.

This one-day pre-conference workshop covers a wide range of VGI and social/media research topics and provides an opportunity for workshop participants to share ideas and findings on cross-platform data contributions, innovative analysis approaches, current data fusion methods, real-world applications, and the use of VGI and social media use in education. The event offers also a platform to discuss future challenges of VGI and social media, may it be on the legal or technical side, to formulate a vision for VGI and social media usage and analysis for the near future, and to live demonstrate analysis workflows and VGI applications.

One portion of the workshop is dedicated to a collaborative session, where break-out groups will discuss various timely VGI/social media research topics, such as VGI and mobility, data fusion, interoperability, and education, potentially leading to a joint paper contribution for a special issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information journal.

VGI-ALIVE Workshop Topics

The principal topics for consideration in the workshop are outlined as follows:

  • Activity patterns and collaboration across multiple VGI and social media platforms
  • (Quasi) real-time analysis of VGI and social media content
  • Technical and legal aspects of crowd-sourced data fusion
  • Opportunities, challenges, and limitations for the future of VGI
  • VGI/social media analysis in geographic areas with sparse data coverage
  • Novel methods of VGI data quality assessment
  • Mobility patterns and VGI/social media
  • User engagement and VGI education
  • Closing the gaps in VGI data coverage

VGI-ALIVE Paper Submission

Submission format is a workshop short paper (2000 to 3000-word manuscript).
Authors are requested to follow the formatting guidelines for short paper submissions on the AGILE 2018 call for papers page and use the Word .doc template or the Word .docx templateprovided. Short papers should be submitted directly via e-mail to Dr. Peter Mooney at Accepted short papers will be published on the workshop Website. Authors are asked to provide their paper in PDF also during the submission.

Authors of accepted workshop papers will be invited to submit full papers (maximum 20 pages) to a special issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information journal with a submission deadline of 30 Nov 2018. To submit a full paper please follow the manuscript preparation and submission guidelines of the Special Issue Call for Papers.

After the conclusion of the VGI-ALIVE workshop all presentations, short papers and other presented materials will be openly accessible from this webpage. This increases the dissemination value of the workshop and follows the spirit of previous workshops in this series.

VGI-ALIVE Important Dates

  • 30 March 2018: Submission deadline for workshop papers 
  • 09 April 2018: Notification of acceptance for workshop papers
  • 15 April 2018: Early registration ends
  • 30 April 2018: Camera ready copies of workshop papers due
  • 12 June 2018: VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE 2018
  • 10 November 2018: Submission deadline for extended workshop papers to special issue:

VGI-ALIVE Workshop Registration

All participants (both authors with or without workshop papers) must register for the workshop. For the VGI-ALIVE workshop registration will be handled directly with your registration for the AGILE 2018 conference. There will be a fee to attend the workshop, which can be found on the conference Web site.
Please note that the VGI-ALIVE workshop organisers are not involved with the registration process or structure for the AGILE 2018. Subsequently all questions regarding registration fees, registation terms and conditions etc should be directed to the AGILE 2018 conference organisers.

VGI-ALIVE Workshop Organisers

The VGI-ALIVE 2018 workshop will be organised and co-chaired by:

  • Peter Mooney: Maynooth University, Ireland; Email:
  • Alexander Zipf: University of Heidelberg, Germany; Email:
  • Jamal Jokar: Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark; Email:
  • Hartwig H. Hochmair: University of Florida, United States; Email:
  • Kiran Zahra : University of Zurich, Switzerland; Email:
  • Franz-Benjamin Mocnik : University of Heidelberg, Germany; Email:

Any of the organisers will be happy to answer any queries or questions you have regarding the workshop.

VGI-ALIVE – Part of an AGILE pre-conference workshop series

We are proud to organise VGI-ALIVE as another AGILE pre-conference workshop which is part of number of successful previous workshops.
VGI-ALIVE follows on from the VGI-Analytics 2017 workshop in Wageningen University, The Netherlands in May 2017. Indeed the workshop organisers have been working together in this general research areas for several years now. VGI-Analytics followed on from a very successful pre-AGILE conference workshop in Helsinki in June 2016 with 30 attendees registered called Link-VGI: LINKing and analyzing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) across different platforms. Please see the workshop web-page for LinkVGI 2016. In 2015 the RICH-VGI workshop (enRICHment of volunteered geographic information (VGI): Techniques, practices and current state of knowledge) was organised before AGILE 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal. An earlier pre-AGILE conference workshop ACTIVITY (Action and Interaction in Volunteered Geographic Information) was held in Leuven in May 2013 before AGILE 2013.

Further information:


