Day: 26 April 2018

  • The Ohsome API: dynamic OSM statistics for real-world applications

    The Ohsome API, developed at HeiGIT, is part of the ohsome OSM history analytics platform (and yes, it is pronounced like the word “awesome” 😉.  It serves as the connection between the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) and possible frontends, such as the Ohsome Nepal Dashboard prototype. The communication with the Ohsome API works via HTTP GET and POST requests as…

  • Apartment search with Openrouteservice; a new Python notebook example:

    As promised we offer some more examples on how to use Openrouteservice for some applications. In this notebook  example, we’d like to showcase one way to go about finding an apartment based on OSM data. We’ll using different openrouteservice API’s to help you look for an apartment. Here is the full example with code and…