Search results for: “togo”

  • Tomorrow Semester closing Mapathon and talk by Kerstin Meyer on the use of OSM data in Togo

    Dear Mapping-Enthusiasts, before the start of the semester break, we would like to take the chance to round the semester up with a “SPECIAL” Mapping event at Heidelberg University Many of you have supported the Mapping for Togo during our last Mapathon or/ and the GIS tutorial. This data was collected for the use by…

  • Report from last OSM Mapathon for Sokodé, Togo at Heidelberg

    Below you find a short report by the students that were organizing the last months OpenStreetMap Mapathon for Sokodé in Togo at the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University: Mapping Event: Sokodé Am 08. Juni 2016 war es wieder soweit! Im Rahmen des „Citizens as Sensors“ Seminar in Kooperation mit Missing Maps und den lokalen Behörden…

  • This Thursday 2nd MissingMaps Mapathon for Sokode/Togo in Heidelberg

    As a direct follow_up of the successfull Mapathon in support of Sokode/Togo last week we invite any interested person to an additional MISSING MAPS mapping event THIS THURSDAY June 16th. time: 18.00 – 20:00 p.m. (before the soccer game 😉 location: Berliner Straße 48, PC-Pool/ Hörsaal (Lecture Hall), Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University. A short…

  • OSM Mapathon for Regional Planning in Togo at GIScience HD on June 8th

    Save the date: On Wednesday June 08 it’s time again to start a OSM mapping event at the Department of Geography Heidelberg University. We want to continue this semester adding to previously successful mapping events organized by students, the disastermappers HD and GIScience HD in Heidelberg. For many places in the world there are no…

  • New paper on “improving change analysis with full temporal information”

    In recently published work, we show how change analysis from near-continuous 3D time series improves by considering full temporal information. How can it be done? Using 4D objects-by-change! The method was applied to an hourly time series of terrestrial laser scans acquired for snow cover monitoring. In the snow-covered scene at the Zugspitze ski resort,…

  • Successful end of the 25 Mapathon Project

    On October 12th the “25 Mapathon project” was finalized with an exceptionally successful public online mapathon. Around 20 participants with various professional backgrounds mapped 2273 buildings in three hours to support a flood preparedness project of the GRC in Togo. Furthermore, they shared their experiences and once more demonstrated how much fun it can be…

  • A Monitoring Tool for OpenStreetMap Mapathons in Python

    In the last couple of weeks disastermappers Heidelberg and GIScience members were interested in finding a way to monitor changes in the OpenStreetMap database. This could help to provide better feedback after mapathons and could allow to measure how many objects like buildings or roads were created or modified during a mapathon. (It was even…

  • Mapping Sokodé – OSM Mapathon as Remote Support to enable local development

    This Wednesday June 08 students of the “Citizens as sensors” seminar will organize a mapping event to support local development in Sokodé (Togo) at the Department of Geography Heidelberg University. Thereby they want to add to previously successful mapping events organized by students, the disastermappers HD and GIScience HD in Heidelberg. For many places in…