Search results for: “Missing Maps”

  • Exploring the Missing Maps Project – Tasking Manager statistics

    The HOT Tasking Manager is the tool where most of the work of the Missing Maps community and members happens. The projects created tell us a lot about the current mapping efforts and also show where we already succesfully mapped basic infrastructures like roads and human settlements. Tools like OSMatrix or OSM Analytics try to…

  • Maptember in Brussels – GIScience Research Group at the HOT summit, SOTM 2016 and Missing Maps Meeting

    Brussels became the global center for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts, humanitarians and researchers during the last week. The 2nd HOT Summit was held on the 22nd September and was complemented by a Missing Maps Mapathon in the evening. From 23rd – 25th September the State of the Map conference opened their doors for the global OpenStreetMap community.…

  • disastermappers heidelberg and GIScience meeting Missing Maps in London to foster collaboration and partnership

    Last week, Carolin Klonner, Benjamin Herfort, Melanie Eckle (GIScience Heidelberg and disastermappers heidelberg), Svend-Jonas Schelhorn, Christof Nichterlein (disastermappers heidelberg), Prof. Dr. João Porto de Albuquerque (GIScience Heidelberg and Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick) and Roberto Rocha (University of Münster) travelled to London to meet the Missing Maps team. During a one and a…

  • GIScience Research Group Heidelberg becomes Member of the Missing Maps Project

    The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University is happy to announce their official membership in the Missing Maps Project. The objective of the Missing Maps Project is to map the most vulnerable places in the developing world, in order that international and local NGOs and individuals can use the maps and data to better respond…

  • Explore! The Power of Maps. Results of the Heidelberg Missing Maps Mapathon

    Last week we organized a special Mapping event in the scope of the Geography Awareness Week in cooperation with the Missing Maps team and great support by students of the seminar “Disaster Management with GIS” and the disastermappers Heidelberg. The students created a blog post explaining the motivation as well as the outcome of the…

  • Missing Maps Mapathon @ Geography Awareness Week @ Heidelberg University

    Next week is “Geography Awareness Week” and in this week we organize a voluntary OpenStreetMap Mapping Party. We invite you all cordially to join us mapping for a good purpose. Let`s celebrate the international “Geography Awareness Week” and learn more about the power of maps! How? With a Missing Maps Mapathon! When? Nov/18/2015 – 18.15…

  • Missing Maps like Microtasking with PyBossa

    Benjamin (active Heidelberg disastermapper and GIScience group member) explains in this blog post how to create your own Missing Map like microtasking application using PyBossa An example is the microtasking app he did set up to identify human settlements and roads in South Kivu for the missing maps project at You can easily contribute…

  • Missing Maps visit Heidelberg and New Mapping Event on Monday May 8th.

    Members of the Missing Maps project, Doctors without Borders, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (H.O.T) and the British Red Cross paid a visit to the disastermappers heidelberg beginning of last week to discuss new ideas and further collaboration. The day started with a lecture about Crowdsourced Information for Disaster Risk Management that was held by Melanie…

  • Disaster Mapping Party Heidelberg – contribute to Missing Maps project

    Dear friends of Disaster Mapping, to a great start in the DisasterMappers Colloquium on the last Wednesday of each now has the first chance to become active. Together with MSF, British and American Red Cross and HOT OSM we want to celebrate the start of the Missing Maps Project also in Heidelberg. As DisasterMappers, we…

  • KI-Exponat des HeiGIT zu MissingMaps und Permafrostdetektion auf dem Portal zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2019 “Künstliche Intelligenz”

    Seit einiger Zeit findet sich das gemeinsame Exponat des HeiGIT und des Alfred-Wegener-Instituts Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung für die Ausstellung “Künstliche Intelligenz” auf der “MS Wissenschaft” auch auf dem Webportal zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2019. Das Thema “Künstliche Intelligenz” des Wissenschaftjahres 2019 wird dabei an zwei Beispielen aufgegriffen. Diese zeigen wie jedermann durch das Erzeugen von…

  • OSM GeoWeek MissingMaps Mapping Event for Madagascar @Heidelberg

    Dear Mapping Enthusiasts, Nov 13-19th is the international OpenStreetMap GeoWeek in context of the National Geographic’s Geography Awareness Week. In this scope the disastermappers/ GIScience Research Group Heidelberg invites you again to a special Mapathon to start the new semester. When: Thursday 17.11.2016, 6 pm Where: Hörsaal, Berliner Straße 48, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University…

  • This Thursday 2nd MissingMaps Mapathon for Sokode/Togo in Heidelberg

    As a direct follow_up of the successfull Mapathon in support of Sokode/Togo last week we invite any interested person to an additional MISSING MAPS mapping event THIS THURSDAY June 16th. time: 18.00 – 20:00 p.m. (before the soccer game 😉 location: Berliner Straße 48, PC-Pool/ Hörsaal (Lecture Hall), Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University. A short…