Tag: 3DGEO

  • SYSSIFOSS project video on the potential of synthetic LiDAR data in forestry applications

    Do you want to find out about the potential of simulating LiDAR data over synthetic forest stands and the steps to get there? Get to know the SYSSIFOSS research project in the video below! Link to video In SYSSIFOSS we are using 3D LiDAR forest data to create a database of diverse model trees (different…

  • Training in Innovative Technologies for Close-range Sensing in Alpine Terrain – 3rd Edition

    The 3rd edition of the international summer school “Close-range Sensing Techniques in Alpine terrain” took place in Obergurgl, Austria, in June 2019. A group of 40 young researchers (mainly PhD students) participated to learn about various sensors, processing techniques, and analysis methods for different topics in high-mountain research. A recently published article reports on results…

  • Hitzebelastung in der Heidelberger Bahnstadt – Interview mit Kathrin Foshag

    Die große Hitzebelastung durch steigende Temperaturen und eine zunehmende Zahl heißer Tage in Städten wird derzeit auch wieder in Heidelberg spürbar. In einem aktuellen Beitrag des SWR betont Dr. Kathrin Foshag die große Bedeutung von städtebaulichen Beschattungsmaßnahmen, um die enorme Hitzebelastung auf öffentlichen Plätzen zu reduzieren. Link zum Beitrag Dr. Kathrin Foshag erforschte in ihrem…

  • Disaggregating surface change mechanisms of a rock glacier

    How can multiple processes related to the deformation of an active rock glacier operating over different timescales be separated from each other? A preprint on the disaggregation of surface change mechanisms of a rock glacier has recently been published on Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions, an interactive open access journal of the European Geosciences Union. It…

  • Wo mehr Grün wirklich helfen könnte: Interview mit Kathrin Foshag

    Welchen Einfluss haben steigende Temperaturen und die zunehmende Zahl heißer Tage auf Städte, insbesondere auf die Hitzebelastung öffentlicher Plätze? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigte sich das Dissertationsprojekt von Dr. Kathrin Foshag an der Heidelberg School of Education. Nachdem die Ergebnisse kürzlich unter dem Titel “Viability of public spaces in cities under increasing heat: A transdisciplinary approach”…

  • Transdisciplinary study on climate change adaptation featured in Heidelberg University Newsroom

    No place for climate change: A recent transdisciplinary study on the viability of public spaces in cities under increasing heat was featured in the official Heidelberg University Newsroom (English version here). The study has been conducted by a Heidelberg research team led by Dr. Kathrin Foshag and investigated the heat stress in selected urban squares…

  • No place for climate change

    Transdisciplinary study on climate change adaptation of urban squares Climate change is not only taking place on distant continents or far into the future, but here and now. In Germany, too, the temperature is rising – and even faster than the global average – and the number of hot days is increasing. Especially in cities,…

  • Video on research of 3DGeo on change analysis methods at an active rock glacier

    Always been curious about how we develop our methods for 3D/4D change analysis? Then check out our new video on high-resolution and high-frequency monitoring of a rock glacier in Austria! Link to video LiDAR datasets of the rock glacier provide the basis for the development of 3D and 4D methods for geomorphic change quantification within…

  • Student field trip to Northern England

    From 2nd – 9th March 2020, students of our department took part in an excursion to Northern England. Among the areas visited under the lead of Dr. Jack Williams were the Peak and Lake Districts, the North York Moors National Parks and Durham County. Preliminary seminars provided the students with background knowledge on the topics…

  • Halftime reports from Erg Chebbi

    After three days of hard work in the field, Sunday was halftime workshop at HeidelErg. with diverse topics all around dunes, with and beyond the data collected in ErgChebbi. Manuel Herzog introduced the first results from the geophysical measurements with regards to dune stratification. Ground penetrating radar in combination with Electrical Resistivity Tomography already shows…

  • First results of our multi-method field course in an aeolian sand dune field

    During the first three days of the field course in Erg Chebi, data collection focussed on the star dune with groups of students applying different techniques of geophysical and topographic surveying. Today, data was checked to plan the remaining three field days. A recap of this intermediate data revision will follow. For today, we’d like…

  • HELIOS used in a study on hetero-integration which enables fast switching time-of-flight sensors for light detection and ranging

    The Heidelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator (HELIOS) is an open source laser scanning simulation framework for interactive simulation and visualization of terrestrial, mobile and airborne laser scanning surveys. It can be flexibly used for teaching and training of laser scanning, development of new scanner hardware and scanning methods, or generation of artificial scan data sets to…