Tag: Citizen Science

  • Methods for Participation in Urban Planning in the Knowledge Society – New Project Accepted

    Recently a new joint project together with several groups at Heidelberg University has been accepted and is starting now. The interdisciplinary so called “Reallabor Urban Office” deals with sustainable urban development in the knowledge society and is coordinated by Prof. Gerhard (Geography of North America) and tightly linked to the Internationale Bauaustellung IBA Heidelberg. The…

  • Citizen Science Workshop in Osnabrück

    The German Federal Ecological Foundation organized together with the consortium „BürGEr schaffen WISSen (GEWISS)“ a citizen science workshop, which took place at the 26th and 27th of January. Participants from academia, industry and administration discussed recent trends and applications. Furthermore, group discussions regarding limitations and urgent problems of citizen science were also on the agenda.…

  • VGI and Citizen Science Workshop & Invited talk at LabGeo of Florence University, Italy

    During 7-11 th of July, Vespucci Initiative organized the workshop “IC1203 COST ENERGIC – VGI and Citizen Science: engaging, creating and understanding“. Having granted an award from European Commission (COST Energic), Amin Mobasheri from GIScience group of Heidelberg University attended the workshop. The week activities were articulated in practical scientific activities where participants actively contributed…

  • Knowledge Based Urbanism – Science Places in the City – proposal nominated as “IBA Kandidat”

    The future city of knowledge is the main topic of the “Internationale Bauausstellung Heidelberg” (IBA)., an international 10 years project. This week a selection of the project proposals answering the first call of proposal were invited to defend their ideas publicly to the IBA board of trustees at the “Alte Feuerwache”. Our proposal about raising…

  • Citizen Science for Biodiversity and Nature Conservation

    On the 5th and 6th of March, members of our working group Clemens Jacobs and René Westerholt visited the kickoff meeting of the WIPs-DE project, a Germany-wide effort to improve protection of certain plant species, sponsored by Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN, Bundesamt of Naturschutz) in the federal biodiversity programme. Among other goals, the…

  • Citizen Cyberscience Summit @London, UK

    Two members of our research group, Clemens Jacobs and Johannes Lauer, attended the Citizen Cyberscience Summit in London (20.-22.02.2014) (http://cybersciencesummit.org/). Three days of talks, workshops and hackday challenges gave profound insights into current and future research, as well as opportunities to contribute results and ideas. A great variety of projects was presented, ranging in from…

  • Citizen Science Search – a new platform for finding Citizen Science projects

    A new platform for finding Citizen Science projects went online: “Citizen Science Search” (http://koenigstuhl.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/citizen-science) helps to organize, publish and find projects related to citizen science. The focus is on projects related to German speaking countries as well as international projects, where citizens also can participate from German speaking countries. The service is brought to you…

  • Young Mappers: Practical OSM Intro for Children at “KinderUni” Heidelberg

    OpenStreetmap for young pupils We organize a practical workshop for children between the age of 9 and 12 years within the “kids university” at Heidelberg University. The workshop will be on Saturaday 15.03.2014 at the department of Geography and the title is “Navigieren mit der offenen Weltkarte – OpenStreetMap“. It provides an introduction to Crowdsoucing…

  • Society for Supporting CitizenScience founded in Heidelberg

    A new German Society for supporting “Citizen Science” has been founded in Heidelberg: “Verein zur Förderung von Bürgerwissenschaft e.V.”. Among the founding members are several persons with links to the Department of Geography or the GIScience Research Group, such as Dr. Richard Leiner, Clemens Jakobs and Prof. Alexander Zipf. The society wants to strenghten the…

  • GIScience for Endangered Wild Plant Species

    The new project WIPs-DE (“Wildpflanzenschutz Deutschland”) is part of the National Biodiversity Strategy, which has been conducted by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (“BfN”). Its goal is to preserve 15 endangered wild plant species for which Germany has a special responsibility. Germany therefore has a special responsibility for those species, because they either…