Tag: disastermappers

  • HGG Vortrag: Digitale Geographie im Katastrophenmanagement

    Einladung Vortrag Online: Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021, 19:15 Uhr Melanie Eckle-Elze, Benjamin Herfort, Dr. Carolin Klonner Digitale Geographie im Katastrophenmanagement Klimawandel, Bevölkerungswachstum, Verstädterung und weitere zunehmende Landnutzungsveränderungen führen dazu, dass immer mehr Menschen in Risikogebieten leben. Um die vorhandenen Risiken zu verstehen und angepasste (Vorsorge-) Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, bedarf es der Zusammenführung von Expertenwissen als…

  • Third International Mapathon on Mon 17.05.2021 by disastermappers heidelberg, MAMAPA, CartONG, HuMap and OSM Ghana

    Dear mappers, on Monday 17.5.2021, 18.00pm a third international mapathon together with disastermappers heidelberg, MAMAPA, CartONG, HuMap and OSM Ghana will take place, which will give you some insights in mapping for humanitarian purposes from the perspective of different organizations and people around the world! For beginners we will offer a mapping introduction as usual,…

  • Mapathon “Mapping for International Solidarity” on 06.04

    Hello dear friends of the disastermappers heidelberg! At the moment, the Heidelberg International Weeks against Racism 2021 are running – and the disastermappers are also taking part! Why? The unequal distribution of resources is often a consequence of historical (and neo-) colonialism and related racism. This increases the vulnerability of societies in many parts of…

  • Join the annual disastermappers heidelberg Christmas Workshop on 15.12.2020, 6 pm

    Many things will be different this year when celebrating Christmas, but disastermappers heidelberg think that the few people that you are going to meet should still get a nice OSM-based presents. This is why we want to invite you to join our annual “Christmas Workshop” and learn how to create nice posters, post cards and…

  • Mapathons im Rahmen der OSM Geography Awareness Week – OSM GeoWeek

    Kooperation ist in der Humanitären Hilfe oft der Schlüssel, um Menschen in Not schnell und effizient helfen zu können. Das gilt insbesondere beim Austausch von Informationen und Kartenmaterial. Besonders herausfordernd sind die Situationen für Humanitäre Organisationen in Gebieten, von denen es kein oder nur schlechte Grundlagen für Karten gibt. Unabhängig davon, ob es sich um…

  • “Open Data und die Sustainable Development Goals” geht in die zweite Runde

    Liebe disastermappers-Freund*innen und Vorkämpfer*innen für freie Geoinformationen! Es ist wieder so weit: Unsere Veranstaltungsreihe “Open Data und die Sustainable Development Goals” geht in die zweite Runde! Nachdem wir uns im Sommersemester schon dem Thema Nachhaltige Entwicklung und deren Verknüpfung mit der Relevanz von frei verfügbaren Geodaten gewidmet haben, legen wir in den kommenden Veranstaltungen den…

  • Virtual Semester Start Mapathon “Humanitarian help and climate change” by disastermappers Heidelberg

    Dear disastermapping enthusiasts, The disastermappers heidelberg series of events “Open Data & the Sustainable Development Goals” begins right on time for the start of the upcoming summer semester. With these events the disastermappers raise awareness for the importance of freely available geographical data and their relevance for current social, ecological and economic challenges. In cooperation with many…

  • Humanitarian Mapathon for Mozambique and Venezuela during European Night of Geography

    Current community efforts for Cyclone Idai in Mozambique and the Refugee Response in Venezuela again show the need and impact of humanitarian mapping. Already before the start of the semester, on April 5th, disastermappers heidelberg will organize a Mapathon to support these efforts – this time in scope of the european Night of Geography! The…

  • HOT End of semester Mapathon and BBQ

    Flood events caused serious harm in wide areas of Japan and Sri Lanka over the last couple of weeks. Heavy rain, floods and landslides occured in South West area of Japan and monsoon rains have caused severe flooding in the Kurunagala and Puttalam districts of Sri Lanka. The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) has received requests…

  • HeiGIT/ disastermappers visit at MSF Czech Republic

    HeiGIT/GIScience and disastermappers heidelberg have been in contact and collaborating with MSF CZ  over the last years already and have been supporting their work through joined Mapathons as well as MapSwipe Mapathon support. Last week members of HeiGIT/GIScience and disastermappers heidelberg visited Prague to exchange ideas and experiences and discuss potential ways to take this…

  • BuFaTa Mapathon HD – Spreading the Word about OpenStreetMap and Missing Maps

    Last weekend Heidelberg was the host city of this semesters geography “BuFaTa” (Bundesfachschaftentagung). During this four day event student associations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland and their members came together to discuss, learn and spend time together. The event was organized by an excellent student team from Heidelberg. The disastermappers Heidelberg contributed to the BuFaTa by organising…

  • disastermappers heidelberg OSM Mapathons this semester

    as mentioned earlier this Monday will see the first of our disastermappers heidelberg Mapathons this summer semester. But this will definitely not be your only chance to participate in some collaborative OSM mapping or learning how to work with OSM data this semester at Heidelberg University. So here is the current schedule. This should help…