Tag: Health

  • Mapping physical access to health care for older adults in sub-Saharan Africa and implications for the COVID-19 response: a cross-sectional analysis

    New paper published on healthcare access in Sub-Saharan Africa It is almost a year since SARS-CoV-2 first emerged in China. The virus spread all over the world. Countries south of the Sahara did not receive much attention. Although outbreaks here have a strong risk potential due to existing crises. In our new published paper we…

  • Exploring OSM for healthcare access analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa

    [tl;dr] Using hospital locations and the ORS Isochrone service, we have created a method for comparing physical access to healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa. Hospital locations were derived from OpenStreetMap and compared against another free available dataset. Results indicate strong similarity in both hospital datasets, however the uncertainty of our method requires further evaluation. Figure 1…

  • Analysing OSM Completeness of health facilities in Sub-Sahara Africa in ohsomeHeX

    A new map in ohsomeHeX provides an overview of areas in Sub-Sahara Africa where information on health facilities is still missing in OpenStreetMap (OSM). The completeness of OSM is measured by comparing to a reference dataset on public health facilities in Sub-Sahara Africa, which was developed by Maina et al. 2019. Especially in these days,…

  • Map of COVID-19 Research shows Clinical Trials related to Corona-virus

    Many informative maps are available to follow the spread of COVID-19. This is important information but only part of the story. The global scientific and medical communities have immediately responded to the outbreak with focused research activities. This has led to clinical trials and scientific publications worldwide. The Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) at…

  • Colloquium Talk about healthsites.io: Building a baseline of health facility data in OpenStreetMap by M. Herringer

    We are happy to invited to the presentation in the GIScience HD colloquium. Everybody interested is invited to join the presentations and the discussion afterwards. Building a baseline of health facility data in OpenStreetMap Markus Herringer, healthsites.io, Amsterdam, NL – Monday, February 10, 2020. 2.15 pm -Lecture Hall (room 015), Im Neuenheimer Feld 348, Institute…

  • Healthsites and HeiGIT establish partnership

    The Global Healthsites Mapping Project (Healthsites) and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology/ GIScience Research Group are happy to announce the now also formal cooperation. Last week, HeiGIT/ GISciences signed the Healthsites Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their strategic partnership with the main aim to support the analyses, sharing and use of baseline OpenStreetMap…

  • Addressing the challenge of localizing SDGs with openrouteservice

    Where is the next health center? What areas show less accessibility to health centers and are therefore the most vulnerable? In 2018, the openrouteservice team already illustrated how these questions related to vulnerability can be addressed with openrouteservice APIs, at that time for disaster prone regions in Madagascar. Learn more here. Also at that time…

  • Interview on Crowdsourcing for Optimized Cycle Routes

    On the occasion of the international Bike2Work Day the radio Berlin Brandenburg (RBB) conducted a short interview with Prof. Alexander Zipf (GIScience HD/ HeiGIT). It was about current research and development work at the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and HeiGIT, which involve the use of user-generated geodata for investigations between cycling behaviour and health, as well as…

  • Open Data Meeting of AG Open Government Städtetag Baden-Württemberg

    today the interdisciplinary working group “Open Government” of “Städtetag Baden-Württemberg” meets in Heidelberg for a workshop on Open Data. Among the invited speakers are for example – Michael Winckler, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für wissenschaftliches Rechnen Uni Heidelberg (IWR) talking about “Open Data aus Sicht einer Forschungseinrichtung” – Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf, GIScience Heidelberg / HeiGIT), with…

  • Results on PsychoGeography published

    Recently some more publications have been accepted or have been published online that present some further results from our joint project on Psychogeography together with our partners from ZI Mannheim and KIT: In particular the following overview paper about the project is now available as free pdf online: Reichert, M., Törnros, T., Hoell, A., Dorn,…

  • Mapping of environmental risk factors in everyday life

    Psychiatric research is increasingly interested in the influence of social and environmental contexts on human health. According to recent findings, specific impacts of urban upbringing on neural social stress processing relate to the heightened prevalence of mental disorders in cities. Although this is a major societal problem, it remains unknown which environmental components (e.g., psychosocial…

  • PsychoGeography Project on Television

    During the last decades, the epidemiological research has given indications that mental diseases can be related to socio-economic, as well as to environmental risk factors. In cooperation between the newly founded Psychiatric-Epidemiological Centrum (PEZ) at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim, the GIScience Research Group (Heidelberg University) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology…