Tag: optimization

  • Quota for openrouteservice multi vehicle optimization increased to support logistics during Corona crisis

    Supplying medicine and food is critical not only in disasters. Due to increased global demand due to COVIDー19 HeiGIT increased the API quota for the openrouteservice multi vehicle route optimization endpoint! Now you can send up to 500 requests per day for each account for free. If you are in need for even higher problem sizes…

  • New version of ORS Tools QGIS Plugin

    We’re happy to announce a new version of our QGIS Plugin ORS Tools. Additionally to the core services of giving easy access to our directions, isochrone and matrix API’s, the plugin now allows users to optimize their trips via a Traveling Salesman service. The openrouteservice API’s included a Vehicle Routing Optimization Machine since quite a…

  • GIScience/HeiGIT at Global Land Project open science meeting

    GIScience/HeiGIT member Sven Lautenbach is hosting together with Jonas Schwaab from the ETH Zürich a session on Multi-objective optimization approaches to support visioning and decision-making in land-use system science at the 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme April 24-26, 2019 | Bern, Switzerland. The session aims at approaches that study the potential…

  • The Dimension of a Space Can Be Inferred From the Abstract Network Structure

    Study shows that spatial reference can be structurally identified in a number of datasets F.-B. Mocnik: The Polynomial Volume Law of Complex Networks in the Context of Local and Global Optimization. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:11274, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-29131-0 Networks describe relations between objects. They show how objects relate to one another and which ones are mutually…